The Heat is On!
Summer is at it’s peak. These sky rocketing temperatures can definitely affect your glasses. Your frames heat up and lose there shape. So it might be time to stop by and get them readjusted. Remember when it’s hot outside it’s even hotter in your car. Oh, darn, you forgot your sunglasses in the car? That’s when lenses delaminate or easily warp and start to pop out of the frame. So remember to take your glasses out of the car when temps start to rise.
When it’s 95 degrees and the sun’s shinning in your face, you really want your photo-sensitive lenses to work. So why of all days aren’t they getting darker?
The technology in photochromic and Transition lenses has greatly improved over the years, but temperature may still affect how dark the lenses will get. On a sunny day in the 70’s the lenses will get super dark, but when the temperature skyrockets into the 90’s those lenses just won’t get as dark. Good news is we won’t have many 90-degree days in Chicago….Hopefully.
Photochromic lenses are still a great add on option and there are so many choices available, such as different colors, mirror coatings and polarization. For many years Transition has been making the claim, and yes, their XTRActive lens would change a little inside the car but most of our patients agreed with us, that they didn’t get dark enough to use as sunglasses inside the car. Finally, the Transition XTRActive New Generation does get dark enough inside the car to use as sunglasses. This lens also adapts better to temperature changes. Although we think there’s still no substitute for a good pair of sunglasses when driving or at the beach.
When the summer days get hot, you’ll be glad to have a skilled optician in your neighborhood to help you out. You can’t get that online. We can adjust your glasses and with so many lens choices, you need to talk with someone who knows all the options available. Someone who’s willing to listen to your personal needs and help you choose which option is perfect for you. Who better to talk to than an independent business like Prism Optical Chicago. We aren’t owned by Essilor-Luxottica, the company that makes Transition lenses. We’ll give you our honest and best advice when helping you decide.
We hope to see you in our shop soon but until then stay cool and enjoy the summer.